Wisconsin’s Rock Fest Allows Moshing Only In ‘Designated Zone’; No Hardcore Dancing

In 2024, Rock Fest in Wisconsin is getting a major upgrade: moshing is finally allowed but with a twist.

The organizers of the yearly summer bash in Cadott, Wisconsin, just announced the lineup for 2024, along with some cool new changes. One big change is that moshing, which was a no-go before, is now allowed—but only in specific areas.

They said, “We used to say no to moshing at Rock Fest to keep everyone safe. Safety’s our main thing. But we get it, moshing is a big deal for a lot of rockers. So, we heard you loud and clear and decided to give it a shot.”

They’re trying out moshing at the Budweiser Boneyard Stage, but with rules. There are zones for moshers and non-moshers, so everyone can enjoy the music without getting in each other’s way. They also made it clear that wild moshing styles won’t fly—like hardcore dancing or flail moshing. The message is clear: rock out, but responsibly.

Last year, Rock Fest was strictly no-moshing, with tight security. They made it clear: no moshing allowed, or you’re out. They understand moshing’s part of the scene but put safety first for everyone’s good.

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