The best singer in The Beatles, according to Bruce Springsteen

Meta Description: Discover why Bruce Springsteen believes John Lennon is the best Beatles singer. Explore the unique vocal qualities of Lennon and other Beatles members.

Bruce Springsteen’s Pick for the Best Beatles Singer: John Lennon

Who is the Best Beatles Singer? Bruce Springsteen’s Answer

Everyone has their opinion on who the best Beatle is. While there’s a strong case for Paul McCartney, known for his mammoth songwriting contributions, and others are drawn to Ringo Starr or George Harrison, the question of who had the best voice among the Beatles has a definitive answer from Bruce Springsteen.

Ringo Starr’s Playful and Rare Vocals

Though not a main lyricist, Ringo Starr occasionally took the lead on vocals. His voice can be heard on playful tracks like ‘Yellow Submarine’ and the heartfelt ‘With a Little Help from My Friends’. While his vocal contributions are cherished, they don’t earn him Springsteen’s top pick.

George Harrison’s Warm and Dainty Vocals

George Harrison showcased his vocal prowess on tracks like ‘Here Comes The Sun’, one of the band’s most beloved songs. His vocals were lush and dainty, complementing his twangy guitar work. Harrison continued to display his talents during his solo career, but Springsteen’s favorite Beatle singer lies elsewhere.

Paul McCartney’s Smooth and Emotional Tones

As one of the main songwriters, Paul McCartney often found himself behind the microphone. His smooth voice added emotional depth to classics like ‘Yesterday’ and ‘Let It Be’. Despite his familiar and beloved tones, McCartney isn’t Springsteen’s choice for the best Beatles singer.

John Lennon: The Best Beatles Singer According to Bruce Springsteen

Springsteen’s pick for the best Beatles singer is John Lennon. The rhythm guitarist and primary lyricist brought a unique vocal quality to the band. Lennon made Springsteen’s list of top vocalists of all time, ranking fourth, just behind Bob Dylan and ahead of Aretha Franklin.

Lennon’s Versatile and Emotionally Resonant Voice

John Lennon had the ability to adjust his tone to suit each song, enhancing the emotion within the lyrics and instrumentation. This versatility is showcased in tracks like ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ and ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’, where he added a playful sound, and in early rock tracks like ‘A Hard Day’s Night’. Lennon’s voice also evoked deep emotion in solo tracks like ‘Imagine’ and ‘Beautiful Boy’.

Springsteen’s Choice: A Controversial Yet Solid Pick

While some Beatles fans may disagree with Springsteen’s choice, favoring McCartney’s warmth or the rarity of Starr’s leads, Lennon is a solid pick. His understanding of what each song needed, whether he wrote it or not, and his ability to adjust his vocal style accordingly, set him apart.

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