Rod Stewart’s Journey with the Jeff Beck Group: The Turning Point in His Music Career

Meta Description: Explore how Rod Stewart’s collaboration with the Jeff Beck Group marked a pivotal moment in his music career, setting the stage for his future success.

Talent alone isn’t enough for an artist to reach the top. Various factors contribute to success, and none are more crucial than being in the right place at the right time. Rod Stewart’s rise to fame is a testament to this, as his journey with the Jeff Beck Group became the turning point in his music career.

From the start, Stewart’s life was dedicated to music. Even if he hadn’t achieved fame, he likely would have spent his weekends performing in clubs. Luckily, he didn’t have to settle for that. As a teenager, he immersed himself in London’s vibrant rhythm and blues scene, quickly gaining a reputation for his soulful vocals.

Before joining the Jeff Beck Group in 1967, Stewart attempted to launch a solo career and even performed on national television, but his efforts didn’t yield the desired results. He then joined Shotgun Express with Fleetwood Mac’s Peter Green and Mick Fleetwood, but despite their talent, the group didn’t find success.

Fortunately, Jeff Beck entered the scene at the perfect time, changing the course of Stewart’s struggling career. The first incarnation of the Jeff Beck Group also included Ronnie Wood, with whom Stewart would later form a strong partnership in the Faces.

Jeff Beck had already established himself as a formidable guitarist during his time with The Yardbirds, and naturally, his fans followed him to his next venture. While the original lineup of the Jeff Beck Group only lasted two years, it was a formative period for all involved and a significant learning experience for Stewart. Without this opportunity, Stewart might never have formed the Faces or launched his hugely successful solo career.

Although Stewart had some reservations about his time with the Jeff Beck Group—particularly regarding Beck’s business acumen—he always respected the guitarist on a personal level. In a 2023 interview with Classic Rock, Stewart shared insights into his financial struggles while fronting the Jeff Beck Group, despite their success. He revealed, “Jeff was a great guy, but he wasn’t a great bandleader. I mean, you have to look after your band. I remember when me and Ronnie were staying in New York, and we never got a per diem; we just got our money every week, and sometimes that money would be very late in coming.”

Stewart explained that the issue wasn’t necessarily Beck’s fault but rather his manager’s. However, the financial difficulties led Stewart and Wood to resort to shoplifting for food while in New York, which partially contributed to their decision to leave the band.

Despite these challenges, Stewart and Beck remained close over the years. When Beck passed away, Stewart was deeply affected, recognizing that his life would have been drastically different without their collaboration. Above all, Stewart admired Beck’s extraordinary talent, stating, “Jeff Beck was on another planet. He took me and Ronnie Wood to the USA in the late ’60s in his band, the Jeff Beck Group, and we haven’t looked back since.”

Stewart continued, “He was one of the few guitarists who, when playing live, would actually listen to me sing and respond. Jeff, you were the greatest, my man. Thank you for everything.”

The rock world united in mourning after Beck’s passing, but few had the privilege of knowing him as well as Stewart did. Stewart’s heartfelt tribute highlights the profound bond they shared and the pivotal role the Jeff Beck Group played in shaping his career.

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